Ko te ahuarangi o Ahitereiria he maha nga wa e waatea ana a Tamarillos engari kei te waatea mai na te iti o te tipu.
Ētahi atu ingoa :
Rohe tipu : Nga rereke
Whakapaipai :
Taumaha: he rereke nga tatau / taumaha
Tukunga: QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC* - kia mahara kei a matou te mana ki te whakakore me te whakahoki i to ota ki te kore matou e whakapono ka tae mai i runga i te ahua pai. Ko etahi waahi kei te tuawhenua o Ahitereiria he uaua ki te kawe mai i waho o to maatau mana. Ka whakapā atu matou ki a koe ka korerorero. Mena ka whakamanahia e te kaihoko ma te tuhi ka mau ki a raatau te kawenga mo nga pakaru e koa ana matou ki te whakarite.
Apart from the product being soooo yum - the delivery time was much quicker than expected, the box and packaging that the fruit was delivered in was gorgeous and certainly gave good protection from bumps and bruising. Excellent product and will definitely buy again!
My only 'grizzle' - there was a promo advertised online to receive a free product item from the feijoa range if the spend was over a $ value (which this was). When I emailed to say that there was no option to add the promo to the order and was it sent automatically - I received an email thanking me for highlighting the promo so that they could remove it from the website as the product was out of stock. I felt this was a bit off as if the promo was advertised - a substitution should have been given - not just an email thanking me - the promo should have been removed as soon as it was out-of-stock.